Awake Worship Kit

Awake Worship Kit

With a 30+ year history and legacy of live worship albums, “Awake” is Hillsong Worship’s first studio album in almost two decades. Hillsong Worship has always represented the ‘sound’ of Hillsong Church. The opportunity to capture and express that through studio recordings was a catalyst for a sonic experience that is utterly true to the spirit and legacy of Hillsong Church whilst being significantly unique in the current worship music landscape.

The songs of “Awake” rouse the listener. Community, humanity and divinity tangibly inform the sounds across the record as worship leaders voices are set against everything from harps to horn ensembles; synths to human percussion; spontaneous worship, small vocal ensembles and big choir to soaring guitars and the rustling, rumbling texture of intercession. Lyrically, revival (awakening) is front and centre - completing the picture Hillsong Church has prophesied to the greater Church this year as senior pastors Brian and Bobbie Houston declared “revival is in the air” and then Hillsong United released “People”, followed by “Awake” from Hillsong Worship… because what is revival if not “people awake”? Featuring songs like “King of Kings” and “No One But You”, “Awake” exists to shoot adrenaline into the souls of every worshipper as they magnify Jesus and to arm the Church with songs that shift realities by the power of the Holy Spirit, fuel a move of God on the earth and bring Christ the most glory possible.


Instrument Parts
Learn how the Hillsong Worship team plays every song on 'Awake'. Includes instructional videos for the below instruments plus minus mixes with click track for each instrument.
- Drums
- Bass guitar
- Electric guitar
- Keys

Sheet Music
Sheet Music (PDF) for every song from 'Awake' in the below modules:
- Lyric Chord Charts (LCC)
- Lead Sheet (LS)
- Piano Vocal Guitar (PVG)
- Pro Chart (PC)
- Lyrics
- Nashville Number System (NNS)

Trax MP3 Library
MP3 files of every song from 'Awake' in the below configuration:
- Instrumentals (Backing tracks with no backing vocals)
- Backings (Backing tracks with backing vocals)
- Split Tracks (Stereo audio track with backing vocals in one channel and instrumental in the other)

Lyric Videos
Animated lyric video for each song

In addition, this collect includes:
- Access to download the full audio
- Access to download bonus live audio recordings

Awake Worship Kit